Saturday Cinema on the Lawn

Saturday Cinema on the Lawn

Presented by Stowe Reporter

Cultural Campus (in front of Stowe Free Library, Stowe Village)

TDB for 2020 – 6:30 PM: 

We’re taking outdoor film screenings to the next level! Guests are invited to come in costumes and enjoy a movie-themed lawn party with festive food, beverages and other special features. 

TBD for 2020 

We’ll be screening an iconic movie during Stowe Arts Week 2020! Entrance to the movie night is free of charge (food & beverages are additional) and open to all. 

6:30 – 9:00pm: Drop in for the lawn party before the movie screening. We’ll have festive food, beverages, contests and lots more fun at this downtown Stowe event! Put on your best costume and join in the fun! Check back to find out our 2020 movie selection.

9:00pm: Stay until dark for the outdoor film screening. Bring your lawn chairs or picnic blankets to enjoy this wonderful family film!




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